Watch out for Pandemic related Scams!
Scams during the Covid pandemic rose, which led to people handing over sensitive information that
could lead to people handing over their money such as tax refunds. This is possible, because scammers
can take the stolen personal information and file fraudulent tax returns and set up their bank accounts
to receive the tax refunds.
Examples of targets of these tax refund scams include the Economic Impact Payment (stimulus
payments), and Unemployment compensation. The IRS does not initiate contact by phone, email, text,
or social media asking for Social Security numbers or other personal or financial information related to
Economic Impact payments. Mail can also be stolen by fraudsters. In addition, lookout for a Form 1099-
G reporting unemployment compensation you did not receive. This may be a case of identity theft with
compensation received by a scammer.
Other methods of scamming include fake employment offers posted on social media and fake charities
that steal your money. You should not provide personal financial information to fake employment offers
and there are IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search tool, that you can use to verify true charities. When
you donate to true charities you can receive a tax deduction, unlike the fake charities that steal your
money and personal information. Ask for the charity’s exact name, web address and mailing address to
confirm later. Pay by using credit card or check but only after having done research on the charity.
Here is how to contact Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic, Indiana Legal Services, Inc. if you have been
Indiana Legal Services, Inc.
College Square, 2 nd Floor
214 South College Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47404
Toll Free: (800) 822-4774
Phone: (812) 339-7668
Fax: (812) 339-2081
Intake Number & Hours:
(844) 243-8570 | M-F 10AM—2PM EST

Richard Kim,
Legal Extern in Public Interest