Anyone who wants to update the name on their government-issued IDs (BMV ID or driver’s license, social security card, passport, birth certificate).
People who want to update the gender marker on their Indiana birth certificate. You don’t need a legal gender change to update the gender marker on your passport, social security card or BMV ID.
NO! You don’t need to be seeing a doctor or have any medical transition to get a name or gender marker change.
Adults (17 and older) who are not in jail or prison or registered lifetime sex offenders can change their name. Anyone can change their gender marker.
A minor’s parent or guardian can change their name or gender marker. Parents do not have to agree with each other for a minor to get a name or gender marker change. There are a lot of rules about whether a parent must agree to the name change. If you have questions about your situation, please contact us at or 317-829-3180.
For help with minor name and gender marker or gender marker only cases, please complete an online intake here and put LGBT name change in the problem description. Someone from the LGBT project will contact you to follow up and get more information. You can also call us at 317-829-3180 or email us at to schedule a phone intake.
Fill out legal forms and follow the step-by-step instructions at Name and Gender Marker Forms.
The packets will also tell you how to prepare to talk to the judge and what will happen in court.
Click here to return to the main landing page for the LGBT Project.
Non-criminal, civil legal issues including public benefits such as food stamps, SSI/SSDI terminations, unemployment, land sale contracts, etc.
The application should take about 20 minutes to complete. You will need to answer questions about your income, assets, and household size. Submitting an application does NOT mean that we will accept your case. You should hear from us within about 14 days with a decision on whether we will be able to take your case.
Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) is a nonprofit law firm and the largest provider of free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income people in Indiana. ILS helps clients who are faced with legal problems that harm their ability to obtain basic needs such as food, shelter, income, medical care or personal safety. ILS also handles cases in other areas including family law where there is domestic violence, housing, consumer law, access to health care, and access to government benefits. ILS does not handle any criminal matters.