
Thank you for considering a donation to Indiana Legal Services. We receive funding from many sources including foundations, government agencies, and other nonprofits.

We especially appreciate gifts from individuals, businesses, and law firms because they are unrestricted; we can use these funds to address our clients’ greatest needs. Because ILS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

You may contact our Director of Fund Development & Marketing, Angie Lyon at (317) 829-3085 or by email if you have any questions about donating to ILS.

Indiana Legal Services seeks outright gifts and future gift commitments that are consistent with our mission of using the law to fight poverty and racism, empower clients and improve access to justice. Donations generally will be accepted from individuals, partnerships, corporations, organizations, government agencies, or other entities without limitations – unless the acceptance of gifts from a specific source is inconsistent with ILS’s values, and mission. Indiana Legal Services will not accept gifts from companies whose products or practices may be harmful to our clients or from donors whose requests for public recognition are incompatible with our philosophy of appreciation. 

  • In processing, all gifts will be coded in the donor database for the constituency source from which the gifts were given (i.e. individual, corporation, foundation, organization, etc.). 
  • Multiyear pledges for major gifts are encouraged, but for no more than three to five years. A donor should complete and sign a gift or pledge agreement form detailing the purpose of the gift, the payment schedule, and how they wish their name to appear in donor recognition materials. 
  • Donors are encouraged to support areas reflecting their interests. Indiana Legal Service’s priorities include gifts for unrestricted, restricted, and endowment purposes. 
  • A selection of named or commemorative gift opportunities may be available to each donor. Such opportunities represent a tangible means of demonstrating an individual donor’s investment in Indiana Legal Services. 
  • When gifts with restrictions are accepted, restrictions will be honored. These restrictions will be detailed in the donor’s gift or pledge commitment letter. 
  • Donor information that should be private and confidential will not be made public. 

If you would prefer to mail us a check, please make it payable to Indiana Legal Services.  

Our address is:  

Indiana Legal Services

Attn: Office of Fund Development 

1200 Madison Ave, Suite 300

Indianapolis, IN 46225

Consider using your Traditional IRA to make an Annual Charitable Gift.

If you are 70½ or older and required to take a Required Minimum Distribution, this is a good opportunity to use an asset that otherwise would be taxed if you took a distribution.

Please direct the IRA administrator to make the transfer directly from your IRA to Indiana Legal Services to avoid any tax issues.

Making the IRA charitable rollover gift to ILS will count towards your minimum distribution for the year from the IRA.  But, it won’t count as income on your tax return.

Consider using your Donor-Advised Fund to make an Annual Charitable Gift.

A Donor-Advised Fund gives you a tax deduction in the year you set it up. The money to set one up can come from cash, appreciated stocks, or investments. Once it is set up, you can recommend a contribution to the charity of your choice. You control the amount and the timing of the distribution.

You can name Indiana Legal Services as a beneficiary in your will, trust or life insurance policy.  You can also name ILS as beneficiary of an IRA, 401K, 403B, or other qualified gift plan.  It is easy to do.  Just include our tax identification number:  35-6059654.   Any of these options may provide potential estate tax savings for your heirs while providing long term support for ILS.  Ask your personal financial advisor which is best for you.

The funds Indiana Legal Services receives from law firms, attorneys, individuals, corporations, and foundations are a statement of commitment for our mission by the community. All private donation income is used in support of our mission. All contributions will be used consistent with the restrictions of the Legal Services Corporation in 45 CFR Part 1610.  

Apply Online (24 Hours)

Non-criminal, civil legal issues including public benefits such as food stamps, SSI/SSDI terminations, unemployment, land sale contracts, etc.

By Phone:
M - F 10am to 2pm (EST)
Indiana Legal Services Online Application

The application should take about 20 minutes to complete. You will need to answer questions about your income, assets, and household size. Submitting an application does NOT mean that we will accept your case. You should hear from us within about 14 days with a decision on whether we will be able to take your case.

Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) is a nonprofit law firm and the largest provider of free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income people in Indiana. ILS helps clients who are faced with legal problems that harm their ability to obtain basic needs such as food, shelter, income, medical care or personal safety. ILS also handles cases in other areas including family law where there is domestic violence, housing, consumer law, access to health care, and access to government benefits. ILS does not handle any criminal matters.