Who We Serve

ILS was established in 1966, and today we serve clients in every county in Indiana. (To see which of our offices serves the various counties, click here.) We have about 100 attorneys and many other staff members working in offices around the state in areas including family law, housing, comsumer law, expungements and driver’s licenses. ILS has several specialized projects to address the needs of particular client communities, including the Senior Law Project, the Immigrants and Language Rights Center, the Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, the Military Assistance Project, the Legal Assistance for Victimized Adults (LAVA) Project, and the LGBT Project, and the Worker’s Rights & Protection Project (WRAPP) addressing the need of migrant farmworkers, other agricultural workers, and survivors of human trafficking. ILS is governed by a Board of Directors that includes private attorneys and low-income people who are eligible for services at ILS.

In 2022, ILS served over 15,000 low income people. Some of these cases were full representation cases, where an ILS attorney represented the client in a court or agency action. Others involved giving a client advice about his or her legal rights and what action the client could take.

ILS Mission

Indiana Legal Services uses the law to fight poverty and racism, empower clients, and improve access to justice.

ILS Vision

Dignity, fairness, and equality for all people under the law.

Our Commitment

“To ensure that ILS policies and practices respect, value, appreciate and leverage the unique and varied attributes of ILS’s clients, board, staff and stakeholders.”


ILS receives funds from many different sources including funding from Congress through funding through and other agencies around the state. However, you can Donate and help support the most vulnerable residents of Indiana.


Last updated on June 13, 2023

ILS Events

2025 Jazz for Justice benefiting Indiana Legal Services

2025 Jazz for Justice benefiting Indiana Legal Services

June 5, 2025 5:00 pm